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'Nana' Nandina
Nandina domestica 'Nana'
Height - 2 feet
Width - 2 feet
Plant Type
Adapted shrub
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Full sun, part or full shade

Other common names
Nana Nandina
Save Water Low water required
More Color Evergreen plant; new growth is bright green in color
Attract Wildlife May serve as a shelter for birds and small mammals
Reduce Maintenance Very little maintenance needed
Texas Tough Although it is from Asia, this shrub is well-adapted
Interesting Facts
This shrub is highly tolerant of poor soil quality, drought, sun and shade. It has a compact/spherical growth habit that rarely needs pruning. Bright green spring and summer foliage eventually fades to a reddish color. May be a good choice for homeowners who want low-water, low-maintenance plants but prefer a more traditional landscape look.
'Nana' Nandina in Frisco
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