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'Silverado' Sage
Leucophyllum frutescens
Height - 8 feet
Width - 5 feet
Plant Type
Native shrub
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Full sun
Other common names
Cenizo, Silverado Sage,
Texas Ranger,
Texas Silverleaf

Save Water Low water required
More Color Orchid pink flowers with silvery evergreen foliage
Attract Wildlife A magnet for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds
Reduce Maintenance Trim branches periodically to prevent legginess
Texas Tough Survives both hot Texas summers and cold Texas winters
Interesting Facts
This variation has striking silver foliage with orchid pink flowers in summer and early fall. Tends to bloom when humidity spikes or just before/after a storm. Can grow up to 8 feet tall ('Compacta' is a shorter variety). Appearance gets thinner and "leggier" as the plant ages. Can provide an interesting color and texture contrast in the landscape, and "leggy" look is great in desert/xeriscape settings.
'Silverado' Sage in Frisco
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