Green Milkweed
Asclepias viridis
Height - 2 feet
Width - 2 feet

Full sun
Plant Type
Native perennial
Other common names
Green Antelope Horns,
Green Antelopehorn

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Save Water Low water required
More Color Subtle flowers can be white, yellow or green
Attract Wildlife Flowers attract butterflies (especially the Monarch)
Reduce Maintenance Little to no maintenance required
Texas Tough Grows wild in fields and pastures all over North Texas
Interesting Facts
These fragrant flowers attract many different species of butterflies. This particular milkweed is actually a host plant for the Monarch butterfly. This means that the Monarch butterfly's entire life cycle depends on the plant, and by planting Green Milkweed in your landscape, you are helping to conserve the species. Note: the native Green Milkweed blooms from April to September or October in North Texas, and stops blooming about the time when the Monarch butterflies are supposed to migrate south for the winter. Some species of milkweed, like Tropical Milkweed (sometimes called Butterfly Weed in nurseries) have a longer blooming season that may cause some of the butterflies to miss their annual migration. Unfortunately, if Monarchs do not time their migration just right, they will be stranded here for the winter and it is too cold for them to survive. If you prefer the vibrant colors of Tropical Milkweed in your landscape, you may be able to cut it back in October to prevent the Monarchs from lingering in North Texas for too long! One last interesting fact: although the Monarch butterfly depends on this plant for life, the milkweed can be very toxic if ingested by humans.