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Purple Trailing Lantana
Lantana montevidensis 'Lavender Trailing'
Height - 1 to 2 feet
Width - 2 to 3 feet

Full sun to part shade
Plant Type
Adapted perennial/
"Texas Superstar"
Other common names
Purple Lantana,
Trailing Lantana,
Weeping Lantana,
Trailing Shrubverbena

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Save Water Low water required
More Color Soft lavender flowers from spring until fall
Attract Wildlife Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds love the flowers
Reduce Maintenance Cut to ground in winter to control size
Texas Tough 'Lavender Trailing' is considered a Texas Superstar Plant!
Interesting Facts
This version is more slow growing. The plant creeps across the ground or trails beautifully over edges. Looks great in a xeriscape/rock garden. As with other forms of Lantana, the berries and leaves are poisonous if ingested and leaves can cause mild skin irritation.
Purple Trailing Lantana in Frisco
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